Names In India...

Names are quite unique in India. They have their own formula and conventions which are different to naming practices in other countries and even other parts of India. Every Indian has a unique first name of course.But what I find interesting is people’s surnames or family names. There are many different ways how the names are formed in different regions within India.

In general, a girl takes her father’s Surname till the marriage. When a woman gets married, she takes her husband’s Surname. This is of course if she decides to take her husband’s name. A lot of women today decide not to. When I asked my friend why she didn’t change her name when she got married, her answer was that she didn’t see any point in it: “If husbands were expected to do something similar then maybe I would have considered it, but just the fact that only the woman is expected to do it makes no sense at all to me!” is how she put it.( I know there are many other reasons why didn't want to)

One of them is the administrative hassles of changing a name is enough for some women not to bother. My friend told me that her mother-in-law took her father-in-law’s name only much later, she found that the process was too complicated.  :) :) :)

To make things a bit more complicated, Her husband has yet a different name! Which brings me to men’s which are a bit more complex than women’s!  Men carry the  parental surname which is a common practice.

Apart from the Surname, males do have other parts in the name. Some of the possible parts of names apart from First Name and Surname are...

The Name of Family Deity(s) from Maternal Grand parents name or paternal Grand parents name
The Name that comes from Maternal Grand parents name or paternal Grand parents name
The Concluding Names as I simply call them tail-enders... these are quite few to list and we can find many with same tail-enders.

That makes a simple S**** R**** into S**** R**** K****  P****

Defying the odds very few in my circle have a simple first name and last name.This is a practice from generations along. This has become so common in Indian culture nobody would bother about their lengthy names. They only start thinking or experience the difficulty when they have to write their Full Name in application Forms for competitive exams or some other forms of applications.

 Most of the Indian born male personnel experience the real problem when they start to choose to live or work in any other county other than India.

Just to Conclude My Name in simple terms of English... It is 33 character length, combination of 19 letter First name and a 14 lettered Last Name. The 33 letter combination came from 15 Alphabets all the other 11 Alphabets have been spared.

I know few people whose name are longer than me ...Let me know if you find any....

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