11 Years ago..

Recollecting the unforgettable day in American history, the day which changed the lifes globally. Many Americans remember the Tuesday,  11 years ago September 11, 2001 as horrific. Nearly 3,000 people died, many others were injured, and many had to run for their lives. Most Americans, however, experienced September 11 from a safe distance. Even for those (like me) who were not directly touched by death or injury, the trauma was significant.

 I dont wanna talk about the group which caused the trouble but want to talk about the survivors and about the people who have lost their loved ones and the mostly about the place which is center of this event.

Ground Zero.... Not only symbolizes whats been lost but also represents what kind of difference can be made with love and compassion. On the anniversary of the 9/11 attack every year people gather around Ground zero and pay their respects to all who have lost their lives on the day. here are some Images I would love to share in remembrance....

Families mourn at ground zero for the lost loved ones.

Ever name of every person who has lost their life on the day have been engraved on the walls..

People taking part of their loved ones to home after 10 years...

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