Are you Happy......

It’s easy to complain when you’re riddled with anger, when you have so many feelings and so many feelings about those feelings you’re consumed by a maddening confusion. It’s easy when you can wax about disappointment and heartbreak; when you’re overflowing with emotional things to say; It’s easy when you can lay everything out in terms of “existential” and “crisis”

But it’s not so easy to complain when you’re happy. Not because you have less feelings, or because your happy feelings are any less worthy of being shown out in public than your sad feelings, but simply because being happy makes you want to do rather than respond. Being happy makes you want to go out and enjoy your happiness — there’s just no incentive for you to be crouching in half darkness over your notebook or laptop, muttering sinisterly for days on end without showering when you’re happy. Not that I’ve ever done any of that, I mean, I totally shower every day and stuff.

When you’re sad, one of your first instincts will often be analysis — why do I feel this way? What is actually happening here? How can I make myself feel better? Why doesn’t he/ she like me? Why can’t I get that dream job?  OMG DO YOU ACTUALLY EXPECT ME TO GO TO THE SHOP TO BUY MORE ICE CREAM IN THIS STATE I’M IN? And in turn this analysis becomes your fingers tap-tap-tapping on the keyboard, which would eventually endup on social media.

Writing about bad feelings on social media is cathartic. Moreover, going back and reading your rants can often lead you to see JUST HOW SILLY YOU ARE BEING. You can get lots of sympathy from people who feel the same way, which makes you feel less alone and totally justified. Moreover, you are passionate in these moments, foolhardy and reckless with your words.

Whatever it is that’s making you happy, you just want to enjoy it — you certainly don’t want to hole yourself up in a dank, windowless room writing moving things about your feelings, you want to be out FEELING THEM. You don’t want to talk; you want to do. You don’t want to reflect; you want to be. So it’s harder, much harder, to write when you’re happy.

You know people want to read about your happiness, that yes, people will relate, just as they relate to your sadness. And you know that when you’re happy, you’ll rush through whatever it is you’re writing anyway, because you just want to thrust open a window looking down over a busy street and sing out to the crowd before you race down into the throng to embrace whatever it is that is making you so deliriously, distractingly, overwhelmingly happy.

Its not easy to keep happy or unhappy, pleasent or angry moods all around the time. We go through both these emotions and everyday. We will have emotional swings. Speaking up, writing your concerns in life when you are happy makes more sense at the point of time and also in future. The words you choose while being happy will make a lot of difference in the life of the person listening or reading.

Excess Body Heat

The normal body temperature of humans is approximately 98.6F, with slight variations that are acceptable. This measurement of internal temperature is maintained irrespective of external weather conditions and is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In case, a person’s internal temperature falls too low or rises too high (which may be due to a number of reasons), it can lead to damage of the internal organs resulting in poor health. The problem of excessive body heat affects both men and women. It can result in higher body temperatures during the day and during sleep and can cause a number of unpleasant and worrying symptoms like, but not limited to.....
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Burning sensation in the eyes
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Weakness
  • Heat cramps
  • Heat Stroke
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Skin rashes and boils
  • Acidity and heartburn
  • Headaches
  • Rapid heartbeat
If you experience any of these without significant know reason, then the reason you might have to think could be regarding body heat. The reasons which would cause the changes in bodily heat coud be,...
  • Hot or humid climate that does not allow for the proper regulation of internal body temperature through sweating
  • Wearing tight or synthetic clothing may trap moisture and lead to ineffective loss of heat
  • Illnesses such as fever or infections
  • An increased activity of the thyroid that raises the metabolic activity in the body and causes excess heat to be produced
  • Strenuous exercise or physical activity
  • Medical conditions such as seizures and muscular agitation
  • Certain drugs or stimulants such as amphetamines
  • Neurological disorders can lead to excessive body heat even when sleeping
  • Excessive exposure to the sun and sunburn can also cause excessive body heat
The Following are some remidies for controlling the excessive bodily heat and prevent damage.
  • Avoid hot and spicy foods regularly.
  • Avoid oily and fried foods (only once in a while)
  • Stay away from caffeine and alcohol ( No Comments.... I am a coffe addict)
  • Follow a low sodium diet.
  • Swap sesame, almond, and corn oil for coconut and olive oils
  • Remove nuts from your diet as they are highly acidic and may result in the production of more body heat
  • Try and follow a vegetarian diet or cut down on your consumption of red meats
  • Certain yoga poses can help lower body heat as well.
  • Drink a glass of fresh pomegranate juice mixed with a few drops of almond oil
    and drink it every morning.
  • Soak your feet in a basin of cold water to help reduce excessive body heat
  • Eat a small handful of poppy seeds before you sleep to ensure a good night’s rest and the proper regulation of body temperature. However, be warned that poppy seeds are considered opiates and should not be consumed in large quantities or given to children.
  • A simple home remedy to reduce body heat is to eat a spoonful of fenugreek seeds daily.
  • Add a spoonful of honey to a glass of cold milk and drink this daily for fast results.
  • Apply a paste of sandalwood and water to the forehead, back and chest to bring down body temperature and cool the skin. You could also add a few drops of rosewater to the paste for a greater cooling effect.
  • Vegetables rich in vitamin C and other citrus fruits are good foods to reduce body heat as vitamin C naturally reduces the heat of the body.
One of the easiest ways to stay hydrated and control your body heat is by eating the right kinds of foods. Some natural foods that help cool down your body include:
Watermelon - Watermelon has 95 percent water content that helps reduce body heat in no time.
Cardamom - According to the ancient practice of Ayurveda, cardamom is an excellent way to reduce body heat naturally. You can add cardamom to your tea or add it as a flavoring for both sweet and savory dishes.
Peaches - Excessive body heat affects the skin and often results in rashes and skin irritation. Peaches are great sources of vitamins A and B2 along with potassium that are essential for good skin health. Dried peaches also help regulate the balance of heat in the body.
Apricot - Drink a glass of apricot juice mixed with honey to cool down your body and quench your thirst.
Buttermilk - During the summer months, drink buttermilk to supply your body with necessary probiotics, minerals and vitamins that may be depleted due to excessive perspiration.
Coconut water - Rehydrate your body with a glass of coconut water as it helps naturally balance out electrolytes and regulate body temperature.
Sabja seeds are the best known substance that reduces body heat. These seeds are soaked in water for sometime and added to milk with rose syrup. This is a good drink to cool down your system instantly.
Massage your body with herbal oil is good for keeping your body cool. It will also increase blood circulation well.
Musk melon is good for keeping your body cool. Include more grains, beans and starchy foods in your diet. These are effective things for reducing body heat. Musk melon juice with a spoon of sugar also can be had. 

Judging People.

Every person in this world makes mistakes. What ever size and shape of the mistake its there in our life in every turn. You can see the mistakes in every person and everyone around you.

Do you know your mistakes.. Don't Mistake me... I am saying this because you cannot find mistake in your self unless you dislike the situation you are in.

When you really love some one .. you never find the mistakes, even the big one effecting your life.I vow not to talk about the faults of others.

What an undertaking! I can't speak for you, but I find this very difficult. I have an old habit of talking about the faults of others. In fact, it's so habitual that sometimes I don't realize I've done it until afterwards.

What lies behind this tendency to put others down? One of my teachers, used to say, "You get together with a friend and talk about the faults of this person and the misdeeds of that one. Then you go on to discuss others' mistakes and negative qualities. In the end, the two of you feel good because you've agreed you're the two best people in the world."

When I look inside, I have to acknowledge that's right. Fueled by insecurity, I mistakenly think that if others are wrong, bad, or fault-ridden, then in comparison I must be right, good, and capable. Does the strategy of putting others down to build up my own self-esteem work? Hardly.

Another situation in which we speak about others' faults is when we're angry with them. Here we may talk about their faults for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's to win other people over to our side. "If I tell these other people about the argument and I had and convince them that the person is wrong and I'm right before they can here about the argument, then they'll side with me." Underlying that is the thought, "If others think I'm right, then I must be." It's a weak attempt to convince ourselves we're okay when we haven't spent the time honestly evaluating our own motivations and actions.

At other times, we may talk about others' faults because we're jealous of them. We want to be respected and appreciated as much as they are. In the back of our minds, there's the thought, "If others see the bad qualities of the people I think are better than me, then instead of honoring and helping them, they'll praise and assist me." Or we think, "If the boss thinks that person is unqualified, she'll promote me instead." Does this strategy win others' respect and appreciation? Hardly.

Some people "psychoanalyze" others, using their half-baked knowledge of pop-psychology to put someone down. Comments such as "he's possesive" or "she's stubborn" make it sound as if we have authoritative insight into someone's internal workings, when in reality we disdain their faults because our ego was affronted. Casually psychoanalyzing others can be especially harmful, for it may unfairly cause a third party to be biased or suspicious.

The Results

What are the results of speaking of others' faults? First, we become known as a busybody. Others won't want to confide in us because they're afraid we'll tell others, adding our own judgments to make them look bad. I am cautious of people who chronically complain about others. I figure that if they speak that way about one person, they will probably speak that way about me, given the right conditions. In other words, I don't trust people who continuously criticize others.

Second, we have to deal with the person whose mistakes we publicized when they find out what we said, which, by the time they hear it, has been amplified in intensity. That person may tell others our faults in order to retaliate, not an exceptionally mature action, but one in keeping with our own actions.

Third, some people get stirred up when they hear about others' faults. For example, if one person at an office or factory talks behind the back of another, everyone in the work place may get angry and gang up on the person who has been criticized. This can set off backbiting throughout the workplace and cause factions to form. Is this conducive for a harmonious work environment? Hardly.

Fourth, are we happy when our mind picks faults in others? Hardly. When we focus on negativities or mistakes, our own mind isn't very happy. Thoughts such as, "SHe has a hot temper. They bungled the job. He is incompetent. She is unreliable," aren't conducive for our own mental happiness.

Fifth, by speaking badly of others, we create the cause for others to speak badly of us. This may occur immidiately in this life if the person we have criticized puts us down, or it may happen in future when we find ourselves unjustly blamed or scapegoated. When we are the recipients of others' harsh speech, we need to recall that this is a result of our own actions: we created the cause; now the result comes. We put negativity in the universe and in our own mindstream; now it is coming back to us. There's no sense being angry and blaming anyone else if we were the ones who created the principal cause of our problem.

In order to stop pointing out others' faults, we have to work on our underlying mental habit of judging others. Even if we don't say anything to or about them, as long as we are mentally tearing someone down, it's likely we'll communicate that through giving someone a condescending look, ignoring him in a social situation, or rolling our eyes when his name is brought up in conversation.

The opposite of judging and criticizing others is regarding their good qualities and kindness. This is a matter of training our minds to look at what is positive in others rather than what doesn't meet our approval. Such training makes the difference between our being happy, open, and loving or depressed, disconnected, and bitter.

We need to try to cultivate the habit of noticing what is beautiful, endearing, vulnerable, brave, struggling, hopeful, kind, and inspiring in others. If we pay attention to that, we won't be focusing on their faults. Our joyful attitude and tolerant speech that result from this will enrich those around us and will nourish contentment, happiness and love within ourselves. The quality of our own lives thus depends on whether we find fault with our experience or see what is beautiful in it.

Seeing the faults of others is about missing opportunities to love. It's also about not having the skills to properly nourish ourselves with heart-warming interpretations as opposed to feeding ourselves a mental diet of poison. When we are habituated with mentally picking out the faults of others, we tend to do this with ourselves as well. This can lead us to devalue our entire lives. What a tragedy it is when we overlook the preciousness and opportunity of our lives and our Buddha potential.

Thus we must lighten up, cut ourselves some slack, and accept ourselves as we are in this moment while we simultaneously try to become better human beings in the future. This doesn't mean we ignore our mistakes, but that we are not so pejorative about them. We appreciate our own humanness; we have confidence in our potential and in the heart-warming qualities we have developed so far.

What are these qualities? Let's keep things simple: they are our ability to listen, to smile, to forgive, to help out in small ways. Nowadays we have lost sight of what is really valuable on a personal level and instead tend to look to what publicly brings acclaim. We need to come back to appreciating ordinary beauty and stop our infatuation with the high-achieving, the polished, and the famous.

Everyone wants to be loved - to have his or her positive aspects noticed and acknowledged, to be cared for and treated with respect. Almost everyone is afraid of being judged, criticized, and rejected as unworthy. Cultivating the mental habit that sees our own and others' beauty brings happiness to ourselves and others; it enables us to feel and to extend love. Leaving aside the mental habit that finds faults prevents suffering for ourselves and others. This should be the heart of our spiritual practice.

 For this reason, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, "My religion is kindness."

We may still see our own and others' imperfections, but our mind is gentler, more accepting and spacious. People don't care so much if we see their faults, when they are confident that we care for them and appreciate what is admirable in them.

New adictions

Now a days people are becoming solitary beings... growing social media and electronics are making lives easy, at the same time they are making  people disconnected. One might say "What are you talking... I have 500+ in my FB friends and I am connected to them daily at least few hours a day with spotlight (some times leaving the spotlight only for few hours a day)."

Are you really connected to all these people you call friends? Do you call this a way to stay connected to people... I think otherwise.

 Do you remember these phones,, are the mobile which we used for communication these actually helped mankind in lot of ways... made communication easy, accessible at times

Then came the smart phones & tablets... These made work and personal lifes so tangled that diffentiating them at times is difficult. Now a days these playa major role in persons life.
Now a days generations  are getting addicted to the applications online which are not adding any value to our lives.These are not making just the younger generations but has effected people across generations.
No one can imagie our life without these atleast a day. I have came across people in my life who are so addicted to these applications, they forgot to talk to persons across the table.
Being social is good, getting addicted to is hamful.

Pointing People around

Do not point a person's mistake. What's the use of pointing out a mistake committed? By doing this, you will only make them feel more guilty, defensive or resentful and this will only create more distance. You should only point out the mistake of a person who does not know, but who wants to know. Do not point out the mistake of a person who knows but doesn't want you to know. Often people know the mistakes that they have committed, but they do not want you to tell them.

Think of the usefulness of your comments. Before pointing out the mistake of a person, see whether your comments in any way will help to improve the situation, foster love or bring harmony. A magnanimous person would not pick on the mistakes of others and make them feel guilty. However, they would correct them with compassion and care, not through words but through attitudes.

I agree with the others who feel that the act provides a false sense/status of superiority. In addition, I see a higher frequency lately, online and offline, of people using behaviors and speech that is degrading, diminishing, and profane to the level of filth. At the same time, many of these persons correct "mistakes" by supplying horrid misinformation.

Gossip is rampant everwhere and increasing numbers of unknowledgeble/untrained people are diagnosing Severe Mental Health Disorders without the right or license to do so.The impact of all this negativity is that it catches the attention and creates an image of people as wanting other peope to suffer badly and die in general.

Most people who like to point out the mistakes of others make many mistakes themselves. It makes them feel better about themselves to point out when others fail. That way, they can pat themselves on the back thinking for once it was not them.

I think some people will point out mistakes in a nice way to genuinely help another. But yes, there are others who do it because it gives them some weird sense of superiority - which in reality they don't have. People have tendency to point out mistakes of others just to dominate others. They are just arrogant and obnoxious!

Helpful tips for success @ work

In an attempt to function in this increasingly complex world, organizations are becoming increasingly complex themselves. They are built on collaborative partnerships, dotted lines and matrices, all of which mean more and more of your work depends on the work of someone else. When a colleague is making mistakes, this interconnectedness can feel like a major pitfall.

Yet a job where you don't interact with others is nearly impossible to find, not to mention somewhat boring. So, you need to figure out how to make relationships work. Every management expert would agree that positive working relationships are essential to getting things done. So what do you do when a colleague is not doing their part and it's affecting your work? Fortunately, handling your colleague's mistakes in a productive way cannot only help remove barriers but may also help your colleague, and you, gain new skills.

The type of mistakes you might be affected by vary greatly. A colleague may miss deadlines, not produce the work required, make errors in calculations or even provide you with misinformation. These may all be innocent mistakes fueled by lack of knowledge, experience, or awareness, but without more information you can't be sure and won't be able to act.

Diagnose the Issue

The first step in addressing your colleague's behavior is to understand what's really going on. Try to determine if the problem is short-term, such as a personal issue at home, a particularly heavy workload, or a health problem — or long-term, such as a lack of skill or a poor cultural fit with the organization.

Approach Your Colleague Directly

The best approach is to go to the source — speak with your colleague directly. This conversation should take place in an informal, private setting and you should always follow good feedback rules. Don't accuse or blame your colleague. Use concrete examples to explain what you are seeing and its impact on you.

We tend to attribute what's going wrong to an individual and specifically to something dispositional about them. This is dangerous because you are then attacking a person — not their behavior. Most importantly, to establish a common ground with your colleague, discuss the issue in context of mutual goals. You want to ask 'What can we do to achieve our goals?' not 'You screwed up again'.

Don't assume you know exactly why the colleague is making mistakes. You need to be open to learning that you're wrong about the situation. Use an inquiry mode and ask questions like "What's going on?" and "Am I misreading or misunderstanding the situation?" In fact, you may discover that your colleague wasn't aware of the mistakes or how her actions appeared to others.

Offer Help and Support

If a short-term issue is causing the mistakes, such as a difficult time at home or an illness in the family, you should offer to help. You may even consider covering for the person as a way to build a positive relationship. This world is all about connections and not only do you not want to jeopardize the relationship, but you want to build it. Covering may mean picking up extra work, spending time double checking their work or offering to explain to other colleagues what is going on. Covering doesn't mean that you should lie on behalf of your colleague, nor does it mean a permanent shift in job responsibilities. You should only cover when you have an explicit agreement that the situation is temporary until circumstances change.

If you find that the source of the mistakes is a longer term issue, such as a lack of skill, you can offer to help brainstorm solutions. Perhaps your colleague can find a course that will help build up their skills, or go to their manager to ask for assistance.

It is rarely a good idea to let your colleague continue to make mistakes. In very competitive organizations, the temptation is to let people die on their own swords. But in those environments, it's even more appreciated when you don't let them die. By being generous now, you are incurring the obligation of your colleague to help you in the future. This reciprocity is often what strong professional relationships are built on.

Protect Yourself

It's possible that you'll discover your colleague is intentionally making mistakes to undermine you or take credit for your work. These political situations are far messier to deal with. Fortunately they are far rarer as well. We only meet a handful people throughout his career that are "true snakes." It should be your last assumption that the colleague is making mistakes deliberately.

If we come across such a situation, You can try to confront the person directly, hoping that may make him or her back down. If that doesn't work you can use the following tactics:

- Make your work visible. Avoid bragging.
- Use the active voice instead of the passive voice. For example, try saying "I prepared these analyses that show where we should be investing resources" rather than "These analyses show where we should be investing resources."

- Offer to lead a presentation when joint work is being shared. People often think of the person in the front of the room as the leader, or at least one of the more active participants in a project.

- Take credit where credit is due. This doesn't mean you brag. Instead, showcase your involvement or let your manager know exactly what part of the project is the result of your efforts.

- In these political situations, don't resort to badmouthing your colleague. Negative comments often reflect as badly on you as they do on the person you are speaking about.

Despite all your efforts and care in handling the situation, it is possible that the mistakes will continue. This isn't only an inconvenience, it could hinder your career. The experts suggest you take a few approaches to preserving your reputation. If possible, avoid working with that person in the future. If that's not possible you can employ some of the same tactics listed above if the person were undermining you. Also, you should consider approaching your manager. Explain what you've done to date and ask for advice. Be clear you are not asking to intervene.

The experts agree that things would need to be very serious, e.g. the project you're working on is headed for failure, before you approach your colleague's manager. There is a major risk that you could alienate your colleague and permanently damage the relationship. In many organizational cultures, talking to a person's manager can be coded as not being "a team player."

Remember to........

Keep in mind that relationships matter
Be direct and honest with your colleague about how the mistakes are affecting you
Offer help if the colleague is struggling with a short-term issue such as a heavy workload or a personal issue


Badmouth your colleague to anyone in the organization
Assume your colleague is aware of the mistakes
Go to your colleague's manager without first talking to your colleague and your manager

Fussy Babies....

Some moms use TV to soothe squirmy, fussy babies, but excess TV viewing in early life has been linked to weight problems and developmental delays in preschool.

Although doctors say babies should not watch television, some mothers may use the tube as a way to calm fussy infants, a new study suggests.

The results show that infants who were perceived , they squirmed a lot or fussier by their mothers were exposed to more TV each day compared with infants who were seen as less fussy.

Infants were especially likely to watch more TV if their mothers were obese or did not graduate from high school. Both factors are associated with more TV viewing.

Previous studies have found that infants with tempers are at greater risk for obesity later in childhood, and the new study offers a possible reason why. "Mothers use the TV to soothe and/or entertain them," the researchers wrote in the Jan. 7 issue of the journal Pediatrics.

Excess TV viewing early in life is a concern because the habit has been linked to weight problems and developmental delays in preschool kids, the researchers said. In addition, the TV viewing habits of young children appear to continue into later childhood and the teen years.

The findings suggest that one way to reduce TV exposure early in life is to give parents alternative strategies to help them calm fussy infants, said the researchers, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages TV watching in children younger than 2, citing evidence that it does not provide an educational benefit, and may have adverse health effects.

-------------- A read from popular news site.