New adictions

Now a days people are becoming solitary beings... growing social media and electronics are making lives easy, at the same time they are making  people disconnected. One might say "What are you talking... I have 500+ in my FB friends and I am connected to them daily at least few hours a day with spotlight (some times leaving the spotlight only for few hours a day)."

Are you really connected to all these people you call friends? Do you call this a way to stay connected to people... I think otherwise.

 Do you remember these phones,, are the mobile which we used for communication these actually helped mankind in lot of ways... made communication easy, accessible at times

Then came the smart phones & tablets... These made work and personal lifes so tangled that diffentiating them at times is difficult. Now a days these playa major role in persons life.
Now a days generations  are getting addicted to the applications online which are not adding any value to our lives.These are not making just the younger generations but has effected people across generations.
No one can imagie our life without these atleast a day. I have came across people in my life who are so addicted to these applications, they forgot to talk to persons across the table.
Being social is good, getting addicted to is hamful.

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